-Film romantis yang Justin suka yaitu 'The Notebook'
-Disetiap sekolah pasti ada saja fans dari Justin
-Waktu wawancara pernah ada yang tanya "Beyonce or Selena ?" Justin jawab "Belieber"
-Justins account was verified on 02/10/2009 at 2:33
-Di VC Mistletoe, katanya Justin sampai ciuman 25 kali supaya keliatan sempurna
-Ryan dan Chaz pernah nyembunyiin passportnya Justin supaya dia gak jadi pergi
-Joe Jonas pernah bilang "thanks" sama cewek yang pake topi bertuliskan 'I LOVE JB', padahal arti JB di topi itu 'Justin Bieber'
-Twitter nge-blocked Justin di TT, soalnya nama Justin Bieber selalu jadi TT setiap saat
-“I don’t understand why my fans ask for a hug like, I don’t mind. Just come and hug me!” -Justin
-Justin pernah bilang: "The Beliebers who haven't met me yet are the special ones."
- "The girl I'm going to marry is walking on earth now. It could be anyone, even you!"-Justin Bieber
-Album 'Believe' akan keluar sekitar bulan Febuari sampai Maret 2011
-Di Believe Tour gak akan ada OLLG lagi
-Justin dan Jaden akan duet di album Believe nanti, judul lagunya 'Thinking Of You'
-"You know me.. I can't resist a good prank" -Justin Bieber
-Setiap bulan Justin ganti nomor handphone
-Interviewer: "Where do you see yourself in 20 years?" Justin: "Married to a beautiful Belieber."
-Waktu Justin gagal dapetin SIM, dia bilang "I HATE YOU" kesetiap mobil yang lewat
-Tahun depan Justin akan buat film, filmnya berupa drama atau comedy
-Waktu Justin putus sama Caitlin, Justin gak keluar rumah selama 3 hari
-Once Jazmyn asked Justin: "Why do people with cameras follow you?", Justin replied: "Because they love you"
- ''One day you will forget about me. You'll have a husband and be a mother. I'll never forget you guys, My Beliebers!" -Justin♥
-Rumah sakit yang ada di VC pray adalat rumah sakit tempat Justin lahir
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